FTC bans fake online reviews, inflated social media influence; rule takes effect in October

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has implemented a new rule banning deceptive practices related to fake online reviews and inflated social media influence. This means businesses may no longer utilize fake positive reviews to boost their online reputation, nor can influencers artificially enhance their follower count or engagement rates.

The new policy falls under the FTC’s ongoing efforts to combat online fraud and deceptive practices that mislead consumers. Under the rule, both businesses and influencers can face penalties if they are found to be in violation.

The rule will take effect from October, giving businesses and influencers adequate time to make necessary changes to their online methods. This new enforcement is a step forward in maintaining authenticity and honesty in online business practices, with the overarching goal of protecting consumers from being mislead by false information.

Remember that a real and authentic online presence contributes not only to more honest customer relationships, but also to sustained business growth. If you’re a business owner or an influencer, it’s crucial now more than ever to ensure all your online practices are transparent and fair.

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